VGSO executive leadership team

Matthew Hocking, Victorian Government Solicitor

Leading the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office, Matthew is the primary source of legal services for the government and public sector agencies, including the Attorney-General and Ministers and Secretaries.

Read more about Matthew.

Alison O'Brien PSM, Assistant Victorian Government Solicitor

Public Law and Planning Branch

Alison leads a group of 25 lawyers responsible for providing a wide range of legal services to Government clients. Alison's clients value her considerable experience and her practical understanding of Government.

Read more about Alison.

Alex Murphy, Assistant Victorian Government Solicitor

Commercial, Property and Technology Branch

Alex's team comprises over 30 lawyers and support staff dedicated to assisting the Victorian Government and its agencies. Alex has worked for government entities in a wide range of sectors.

Read more about Alex.

Frances Anderson, Assistant Victorian Government Solicitor

Workplace Relations and Occupational Safety Branch

Frances leads a team of lawyers delivering workplace relations and occupational health and safety advice to government and the Victorian public sector. Frances is an experienced workplace relations lawyer with a proven track record of success.

Read more about Frances.

Sara Dennis, Assistant Victorian Government Solicitor

Litigation and Dispute Resolution Branch

Sara manages and provides strategic guidance to teams responsible for a range of litigation matters involving the State of Victoria. Sara provides high quality legal services to clients and looks for new and improved ways of delivering outcomes.

Read more about Sara.

Will Yates, Assistant Victorian Government Solicitor

Inquiries, Prosecutions and Administrative Law

Will is an experienced Victorian Government lawyer specialising in Royal Commissions and Inquiries, litigation, indemnity proceedings, general commercial, regulatory and administrative law matters.. Will has a strong understanding of the client perspective and the need for excellent legal advice and strategy.

Read more about Will.

Carol Orfanos, Assistant Victorian Government Solicitor

Police Advisory Branch

Carol leads a team of 26 lawyers and support staff dedicated exclusively to advising Victoria Police on a broad range of legal issues. Carol is an experienced lawyer and leader across the public sector.

Read more about Carol.
