Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean
Senior Solicitor
Area of law:
Property and developments

Jennifer is a property lawyer who provides advice and assists in implementing State policy objectives for both Crown and freehold land. Jennifer has over 20 years' experience at VGSO in acting for the State and its agencies in property law matters. She regularly:

  • negotiates and drafts property transaction documents, including contracts and tender documents, commercial lease and licence agreements, memoranda of understandings and commercial agreements that regulate the development and use of land
  • advises on subdivisions of land, easements, caveats and the impact of restrictions on title
  • provides strategic advice on legislative provisions and changes
  • advises on taxes related to land and land transactions including GST, land tax and stamp duty

Key projects that Jennifer has been involved in include:

  • registration of construction restrictions on properties purchased by the State in response to the 2009 Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission Report through agreements registered on title
  • strategic advice to government on changes to the Sale of Land Act 1962
  • advise on land arrangements for various State prison sites
  • practical advice to government on the process for implementing policy objectives with respect to land under the Victoria State Emergency Service Act 2005, Land Act 1958, Sheriff Act 2009 and Pipelines Act 2005

Jennifer previously spent some time at the Department of Premier and Cabinet as a freedom of information officer.

Jennifer is an enthusiastic property lawyer with a commitment to assisting clients to achieve their objectives.

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